From the media and around the project


Press Release / 31.7.2019

ECO COM'BAT opens up new approach to enhance sustainability of high-voltage batteries

Brussels, Belgium / 12.11.2018

Co-Organization of the 2nd EU Critical Raw Materials Event at the Raw Materials Week

Brussels, Belgium / 4.9.2018

Presentation at the workshop of the European Battery Alliance (EBA)


Press Release / 6.3.2017

Launch of project ECO COM'BAT: Sustainable energy storage with high-voltage batteries

Berlin, Germany / 16.2.2017

2nd place at “German Raw Materials Efficiency Award” for Fraunhofer ISC with its ORMOCER® coating

Brussels, Belgium / 2.12.2016

Presentation at the “Critical Raw Materials and Substitution” event, organized by the European Commission

Alzenau, Germany / 5.4.2016

ECO COM'BAT kick-off event at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC

Berlin, Germany / 18.2.2016

Poster presentation at the brokerage event of the EIT RawMaterials